The Agency of the Administration of Seized and Confiscated Assets was established with Act No. 9284, dated 30.09.2004 “For the purposes of the organization and crime of the organization” and current functions from the Act No. 10192 dated 03.12.2009 “For the purpose of crime and trafficking in the organization and trafficking in mass trafficking in the country”.
Object of Work
The Agency for the Administration of Sequestrated and Confiscated Assets has as its main object of activity the administration of sequestrated and confiscated assets by court decision, the administration of blocked, sequestrated assets, and the administration of other assets, which are the product of criminal offenses. or related and the administration of confiscated material evidence and their sale.
AASCA is headed by the Chief Administrator and has 14 employees. AASCA employees are civil servants.
AASCA also includes assistance administrators, asset administrators, whose number is determined by the assets received in the administration, the difficulties of their management, the types and volume of work for the administration of assets, etc.
Recent Publications
Annual activity report of AASCA – 2020
The Agency for the Administration of Sequestered and Confiscated Assets (AASCA) publishes an annual activity report. Below you can download the annual activity report for 2020. AASCA | Annual Report 2020 (in Albanian only)Download
Documentary on the social reuse of properties confiscated from organized crime
Watch this documentary on the social reuse of confiscated assets from organized crime, produced by Partners Albania with the support of the Democracy Commission Small Grants Program of the US Embassy in Tirana. https://youtu.be/PSuIuP3BOl8
Annual activity report of AASCA – 2019
The Agency for the Administration of Sequestered and Confiscated Assets (AASCA) publishes an annual activity report. Below you can download the annual activity report for 2020. AASCA | Annual Report 2019 (in Albanian only)Download
Meeting with the Mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris
Meeting with #LuigideMagistris, Mayor of Naples as part of a discussion at the University of Naples, “Federico II”, Department of Political Sciences on management of confiscated assets from organized crime. A great chance to share our pioneer experience in this field...
Learn more about financing from the Special Fund
Proceeds allocated to the Special Fund can be used to fund projects of institutions dealing with the fight against organized crime and / or NGOs that treat victims of trafficking in organized crime.